Hokey Pokey - quiz 2

Thursday, March 19, 2015
Hokey Pokey - quiz 2

Speech Guidelines and Rubric

Monday, March 16, 2015
6th Grade Speech Assignment and Rubric

·      Choose a topic that interests you.
·      Research that topic.  Find at least three sources.  One source must be an audio or video source. 
·      Compose a four-minute speech on your topic.
·      You may use notecards and/or a Keynote, but you may not just read from it.
·      You will be graded using the rubric below.

Topic is unclear
The topic is unclear.
The topic is clear and relevant to the student.
There is no introduction or main idea.
The introduction and/or main idea are unclear.
The student gives a clear introduction to the topic and the main idea is stated.
Supporting Details
No supporting details or irrelevant supporting details.
Fewer than three supporting details.
The student uses three or more details to support the topic.
No conclusion.
The conclusion is confusing or does not wrap up the topic.
The conclusion sufficiently wraps up the topic.
Speech lacks organization.
There is some organization, but some areas are unclear.
The speech is well organized with clear transitions.
Student is obviously not prepared.
Student needs more preparation and research.
Student is well prepared and seems knowledgeable about the topic.
4 or more errors in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
1-3 errors in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Student uses proper grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. 
The student lacks enthusiasm and often loses focus.
Student sometimes loses focus.
Student appears enthusiastic, makes eye contact, and stays focused.
The speech is either way under or over four minutes
The speech is less than four minutes or exceeds five minutes.
The speech is at least four minutes long, but does not exceed five minutes.
Less than 3 sources.
3 or more sources, but no audio or video source.
3 or more sources, with one audio or video source.
Student interrupts or distracts another speaker.

Student listens politely and attentively to other speakers.

Hokey Pokey - Quiz 1

Thursday, March 5, 2015
Hokey Pokey - Quiz 1